It definitely looks like he's not exerting himself too much throughout the game. He scores when he needs for the team. Not sure what the message or goal was for this Lakers team for the first half of the season. If they can avoid any major injury for Davis or LeBron that would be better as they are still managing to win games. And, it's also LeBron we're speaking about; he knows all too well that he can't afford to not care about the regular season throughout the season, so he'll be alright. 马刺球迷:当时我还奇怪他咋没选择攻筐呢。 他全场比赛肯定是没有投入多大精力的。他就是在球队有需要的时候得分。也不懂你湖上半赛季是想传递啥信息或是达成啥目标。如果能让詹眉避免重伤,那就很不错,毕竟你们还能赢球。再有哦,这可是你我口中的那个詹姆斯啊,他很清楚自己不会一直不把常规赛当回事儿,所以他会没事的。 [–][CHI] David Nwaba kbehr92 47 指標 3小時前 Lol he’s just trying to do cool shit at this point and add to his highlight reel. Can’t even blame him 公牛球迷:嘿嘿,他只是想装一把然后给个人高光增加点素材啦。不怪他。 [–]Lakers RishiSunak 97 指標 4小時前 LeDrunk came to play in that last possession 湖人球迷:最后那个回合就是醉汉詹上场了。 [–][LAL] LeBron James SoundtrackToChaos 51 指標 3小時前 Lebron really doesn't care, he's bored out there. 湖人球迷:老詹今天真心心不在焉,他就是很沉闷。 [–]Lakers jackdaw1715 14 指標 3小時前 full coast mode rn 湖人球迷:全力摸鱼模式。 [–]salcedoge 215 指標 4小時前 It's insane how little fuck Lebron gives in this regular season games anymore 想想也是离谱啊,詹姆斯居然已经不再对特么常规赛上心了…… [–]Heat Giannis1995 96 指標 4小時前 Well, he has played like 1500 of them. 热火球迷:毕竟已经打了得有个1500场了 [–]trimble197 50 指標 4小時前 Yeah, it’s hilarious but also frustrating lol 是啊,很搞笑,可这也很让人沮丧啊,哈哈 [–][LAL] Kobe Bryant nini1423 13 指標 3小時前 I honestly can't wait until they start trying hard again. Maybe sometime in March or something. 湖人球迷:我其实挺希望我湖早点开始认真打的。或许得等到三月份吧。 [–]Lakers davensdad 20 指標 3小時前 fr ... it's funny but frustrating when we lose. 湖人球迷:现在这么打很有意思,可输球的时候还是蛮没劲的。 [–]Rockets bigtice 9 指標 3小時前 Why? The regular season doesn't matter to LeBron -- it's just a tuneup for the playoffs. 火箭球迷:为啥啊?常规赛对老詹来说又没啥,这只是为季后赛作调整。 [–]Equipment_Salt 16 指標 3小時前 Because fans like their teams to win 因为球迷都喜欢自己主队赢球呗 [–]Rockets bigtice 7 指標 3小時前 True, but most fans would rather their team lose in the regular season if they are actually in capable of winning a championship. 火箭球迷:那是,可对大多数球迷而言,如果自己主队真有能力夺冠的话,那他们更愿意主队在常规赛输球。 [–][LAL] Didier Ilunga-Mbenga honditar 5 指標 2小時前 I would never "rather see my team lose". I completely understand coasting and not worrying about/making a big deal of losses, but it still sucks to lose. 湖人球迷:我绝不会“更愿意看我的主队输球”。划水这事儿我完全理解,输球也不会太放心上,可输球的感觉依然操蛋。 ———————— [–][TOR] Tracy McGrady TeBenny 2 指標 4小時前 So close to perfection. That 27-7-7 would have redeemed 2021 猛龙球迷:老詹的数据差点就完美了。要是27+7+7的话,今年就圆满咯 [–]Lakers Legalistigician 0 指標 4小時前 We came so close to getting Lebron’s first ever Lebron (27/7/7) tonight, but he LeTeased us 湖人球迷:咱们今晚差点就见证了老詹职业生涯的第一个27+7+7,可是他詹调戏了我们 [–]Heat Giannis1995 9 指標 4小時前 LeBron James is the MVP frontrunner. 热火球迷:詹姆斯就是MVP领跑者。 [–][TOR] Pascal SiakamMazKhan 於 4小時前 * 發表 Thought this was gonna be the game where he finally has a 27/7/7 game, crazy to think hes averaged 27 7 7 over a 18 year span but has never had those exact numbers in a game lol 猛龙球迷:本以为他终于拿到27+7+7的单场数据了,想想也是离奇,他超过18年的生涯场均是27+7+7,可他却从未在单场打出过这种数据,哈哈哈哈 [–]CIark 280 指標 4小時前 He’s saving 27/7/7 for his last game ever 他这是要把27+7+7留到生涯谢幕战呢 [–]Killian Drake 99 指標 4小時前 what if he gets 27/7/7 in the first quarter, does he sit out? 要是首节就打出了27+7+7,,难道就一直不让上? [–]Lakers Jayveesac 100 指標 4小時前 He gets a 54/14/14 and wins the game 湖人球迷:那他可以54+14+14拿下比赛。 [–]Celtics JoJonesy 75 指標 4小時前* |