He also is a bad shooter, finisher, and defender. Might be a better finisher at the rim than Ball, but he was a bad finisher as a rookie and some of that is probably due to his lack of court vision on drives. Barrett doesn't have the ball handling or passing Ball does and Barrett doesn't have a floater game either. Morant and Zion way better, but I'm not sure what Barrett has done to put himself as clearly above Ball. Edit: Maybe I was mean about Barrett's finishing ability, he probably was fine for a young guard and may be a plus finisher in time. That said, by those standards you probably want to be a lot more generous about Ball's finishing. 雄鹿球迷:难道巴雷特也远强于三球吗? 何况巴雷特也是投篮、终结和防守都差。他的篮下终结能力或许比三球好些,但他菜鸟赛季的终结能力是真的菜,其中的部分原因或许在于他突破时缺乏场上视野。巴雷特并不具备三球那种传控能力,还不会抛投。三球的确是看不到莫兰特和锡安的尾灯,但你要说巴雷特明显强过三球,那我真不知道你的事实依据是啥。 [–]zScores 77 指標 1 天前 Wow you are seriously underrating Barrett. He's gotta improve his right hand, but he's pretty solid with his left, is good at getting to the rim and got to the FT line a lot for a rookie. He's also pretty solid as a secondary ball handler and passer. And he's actually a good on ball defender at least, he definitely has the tools to be good. And he did all of this on a really bad team with no shooting whatsoever, which makes life tough for a slasher like him. LaMelo is a better playmaker than him, but if you dont think that RJ is way better as a finisher, shooter and defender than you must not have watched him at all last year. 那你还真是严重小看了巴雷特。他的右手持球能力确实有待提高,但他左手还是蛮稳的,既能冲击篮筐又能造罚球。而且他作为第二持球人和传球点时,打得相当稳健。至少从实际来看,他的有球防守很不错,绝对有资本成为一个出色的防守人。 况且他这种表现还是在尼克斯这种毫无投射能力的烂队做到的,这个环境本就不适合他这种内线攻击型的球员发挥。 三球的组织能力比他强,可是如果你不认为巴雷特的终结、投射和防守远强于三球的话,那你上赛季肯定压根没看过他打球。 [–]Knicks damn-mooses 30 指標 1 天前 rj is one of the best finishers among rookies, you’d know if you watched any knicks games last season 尼克斯球迷:要是上赛季看过尼克斯比赛就知道,在那届新秀里,巴雷特的终结能力处在最强的一批里。 ———————— [–]Uwofpeace 310 指標 1 天前 bro three words BIG BALLER BRAND 老弟,原因就仨字:BBB。 [–]boomer browns 23 指標 1 天前 His last name. Younger fans love the ball brothers. 就是因为他的姓氏。年轻球迷喜欢球家三少。 [–]benson822175 231 指標 1 天前 This post makes him sound like Lonzo without the defense, which is terrible lol Is that really the case? 看了这个帖子,我还以为三球就是没有防守的鲍尔,这不就是说他很菜嘛,哈哈哈 难道事实真的如此吗? [–]Warriors spaldingmatters 15 指標 1 天前 He is a far better ball handler than Lonzo is, and projects as a better primary offensive initiator. 勇士球迷:他的控球比他哥强太多了,而且未来的定位是更强的进攻端主要发起人。 [–]EducatemeUBC 206 指標 1 天前 He has more of a talent for scoring than Lonzo does, better size, honestly his passing ability is more impressive to me. Seems like a lower floor higher ceiling guy in comparison to lonzo. 他的得分天赋比鲍尔强,身材比鲍尔更高大,而且我觉得吧,他的传球能力也更让我惊喜。 比起鲍尔,貌似三球下限更低上限更高。 [–]Mavs Buck0Five 51 指標 1 天前 don't think he has better scoring, he just doesn't have the hitch in his shot that Lonzo had. Lonzo was actually a better offensive player in High School, but got exposed as he climbed up the ladder 独行侠球迷:我可不觉得他的得分能力更强,他哥只是在投射方面遇到了瓶颈而已。鲍尔在高中时期的进攻能力其实没这么不堪,但是随着舞台越来越大,他的缺点都被暴露了。 [–]Lakers 001justforfun 59 指標 1 天前 People thought Lonzo's defense was going to be horrible, but he turned out to be pretty good once he got to NBA. 湖人球迷:鲍尔进入NBA之前,大家还觉得他的防守会很菜呢,结果他到了NBA防守蛮好啊。 [–]Lakers cjsrhkcjs 35 指標 1 天前 I swear I saw this thread when Lonzo was drafted 湖人球迷:我发誓,当初鲍尔被我湖选中的时候,我也看过这个帖子…… [–]Clippers legendoftommorow 26 指標 1 天前 You know what I think Lamelo on the knicks would be fire. He’d sell jerseys, put on a show and I think he actually has the confidence to make them better in his first year 快船球迷:咋说呢,我觉得要是三球去尼克斯那就炸了,既能卖球衣又能赚吆喝,而且我认为他其实有信心在处子赛季就让尼克斯变得更强。 [–]Raptors MeekMill2Toronto2021 48 指標 1 天前 has the confidence to make them better in his first year what are you even basing this off of lol lonzo is a far superior leader than his brothers and even he did jack shit to “make others better in his first year” 猛龙球迷:“有信心在处子赛季就让尼克斯变得更强” 哈哈哈哈,你凭啥这么说啊 鲍尔的领袖力比他那俩兄弟强太多了,就连他也没法“在处子赛季让球队更强”啊。 ———————— [–]Celtics twelvefourtysix 268 指標 1 天前 He’s Ben Simmons without the elite quality that keeps Simmons on the floor. Let’s be realistic: Simmons’ DPOY talent keeps him on the floor, not his offense. 凯尔特人球迷:拉梅洛就是打折版西蒙斯,他不具备西蒙斯那些顶级的看家本领。面对现实吧,西蒙斯吃饭的本事在于他那最强防守人级别的天赋,而不是他的进攻。 [–]Timberwolves cathorvaldson1 25 指標 1 天前 And Simmons was one of the most hyped prospects of the decade . We're talking about Ball who has/had considerably less hype as he isnt even a consensus number 1 pick in a weak draft 森林狼球迷:并且西蒙斯还是过往十年最受追捧的青年才俊之一。咱们这会儿聊到的三球不但关注度不如本西,甚至在一届整体质量偏低的选秀里都算不上公认的状元。 [–]Rockets polkcat 1202 指標 1 天前 Some of the most talked about picks of the last decade can barely play ball. 火箭球迷:过去十年里有些曾经最受追捧的那批新秀如今能打上球的都没几个。 [–][LAL] LeBron James SoundtrackToChaos 679 指標 1 天前 Jimmer Frederte 湖人球迷:弗雷戴特。 [–]Mavericks very_nice_how_much 509 指標 1 天前 Still hanging 30 a game in China. 独行侠球迷:依然能在中国场均30分。 [–]10lbs 542 指標 1 天前 Last summer at a club I met a really tall dude, and because I have no manners when drunk I asked him if he played ball, and sure enough he played in China. Asked him if he played against Jimmer, told me Jimmer cooked him so bad the first time they played he considered changing professions. 去年夏天我在一家俱乐部碰到个大高个,我酒后失态直接问他是不是职业球员,结果他说在中国打球。 我又问他有没有和弗雷戴特交手过,他说自己被弗雷戴特疯狂输出到首次产生了想换个职业的念头。 [–]22Savage671 28 指標 1 天前 I think the only no. 1 picks in the past 10 years who have done shit so far are Simmons, Kyrie, KAT, Wall, and AD. 我觉得过去十年来,能拿得出手的状元只有西蒙斯、欧文、唐斯、沃尔和戴维斯。 [–]Celtics Tpsteen 57 指標 1 天前 that's 5/8 so it isn't bad, because you're not counting on Ayton or Zion when it's way too early to tell 凯尔特人球迷:那也是八分之五的比例了啊,可以了,因为这还没算锡安呢,毕竟现在还为时尚早。 [–]Spurs MeC0195 11 指標 1 天前 I think Zion is absolutely good enough to be a big star. I also think he'll blow his knees in less than 5 years if he doesn't make some changes... 马刺球迷:我觉得锡安是肯定能成为重量级球星的。同样我也觉得,要是他不改变打法的话,不到五年就会膝盖报废…… ———————— [–]Nets NicoolaJokic 81 指標 1 天前 Cause he's a 6'8" point guard with elite handles and vision lmao don't overthink it 篮网球迷:因为三球身高6尺8,控球和视野都是顶级啊,哈哈哈哈,你们也别想多了 [–]Knicks sexy-snickers 28 指標 1 天前 alright but he can’t shoot (25 3PT%), and his FG% was abysmal (37%) his defence is poor as well maybe you’re underthinking it 尼克斯球迷:行吧,可他没投篮(三分命中率25%),命中率烂透了(37%)。 防守也是个菜。 或许是你欠考虑了。 [–]76ers matthewdavis1432 10 指標 1 天前 There’s more to it than just percentages. The biggest thing I’d point out is his shot selection. LaMelo looked like he was just playing pickup, so I’m sure his percentages would go up if he took smarter shots. Second would be his free throw percentage. If I’m not mistaken, Melo shot over 80% from the line in Australia, which is a good indicator that he has touch and potential as a shooter. If he’s willing to get coached on his form and stops taking 35 footers off the dribble, there’s no way he won’t be at least an average shooter. 76人球迷:你也不能只盯着命中率啊。 我觉得他最大的问题在于投篮选择。看三球比赛,感觉他就像是在打对抗练习,所以我相信要是他的投篮更聪明些的话,命中率肯定能上升。 第二点就是他的罚球命中率了,要是没记错的话,他在澳洲联赛的罚球命中率超过了80%,这就意味着他具备成为一名投手的手感和潜力。 如果他愿意接受指导纠正手型,别再痴迷于运球后35码开外出手,那他的投射至少能达到平均水准。 [–]Lakers careslol 3 指標 1 天前 |