Let me ask you this, would Rondo be a top 5 pick in most drafts knowing what we know now? He has a bad defensive rating in the NBA, okay athleticism, below average shooter. But he has elite playmaking. 湖人球迷:我就问一句,开天眼而论,隆多在大多数选秀年份中能进前五吗?他的防守效率挺差的,运动能力还凑合,投射低于平均线。但他组织能力顶级啊。 [–]HueyFr 137 指標 1 天前 Well he’s not a bad finisher at all. And he has enough creativity at the rim to be confident. He’s not a bad free throw shooter which gives optimism for his shot. He’s 6’8, he could easily become a great defender. Lonzo was called a horrible defender before he got to the league as well. He has good dribbling and and elite passing. I’m not sure exactly why people are so surprised. It’s a weak draft, and he’s a solid player with a lot of upside. If he wasn’t a Ball, he wouldn’t be getting scrutinized like this. 这么说吧,三球的终结能力一点都不菜。他在篮下有足够的创造力来支撑他的信心。 他的罚篮并不差,这就让人对他的投射能力谨慎看好。 他身高6尺8,做一个优秀防守人简单得很。鲍尔进联盟之前也被说是防守万人捅呢。 他控球出手,传球顶级。 我是真不知道为啥大家这么看不起他。在这么一届质量偏低的选秀里,他是个具备很多优势的靠谱新秀。就因为他是球家的人,你们就对他吹毛求疵。 [–]Hornets ItsTheGucc 27 指標 1 天前 |