On Lamelo Ball: Why are people so optimistic on a player who can't shoot, finish or defend ? Lamelo has my non professional basketball evaluaiton alarm bells ringing. How exactly would he be worthy of a top 5 pick? Forget his father and off court behavior and solely evaluate his basketball ability. 关于拉梅洛-鲍尔:为啥大家都这么看好一个没有投射、终结和防守的球员? 以我的业余篮球评估能力而言,三球很是让人担心啊。他怎么就值得一个前五签了呢?且不说他爸和他的场外行为,咱们就单纯评估他的竞技能力。 Pros Great height Great passer with Good handles. Cons Bad defender Bad athleticism Horrible shooter Bad finisher Is no one else astonished people are considering him a potential top 1 pick? 优点:身材高大,传控俱佳 缺点:防守差、运动能力欠缺,投射和终结能力不行 居然还有人把他视作是状元秀热门,难道就没有人感到震惊吗? ———————— [–]ghgh2019 1859 指標 1 天前 Because 1. this year is a weak draft and 2. Playmaking at an Elite level is hard to come by and separates alot of the Good players from the Great players. As a team you hope his scoring can develop since he is young but you love the base that you have to start out with, 6'8 PG that is an Elite Playmaker. 原因在于:第一,这届新秀整体质量不高;第二,顶级的组织能力可遇不可求,这也是很多优秀球员和顶级球员的区别所在。站在球队的角度,你还能寄希望于培养他的得分能力,毕竟他还年轻,但是他的基本素质还是很讨喜的,2.03米高的控卫这就离顶级组织者不远了。 [–]Warriors xanroeld 85 指標 1 天前 Holy shit, when did Lamelo become 6’8”?! That dude shot up like a rocket. 勇士球迷:我勒个去,三球啥时候长这么高了?!这货个头蹿升得跟火箭一样啊。 [–]assbuttyouth 41 指標 1 天前 He grows fast. The Hornets scouting team speculated that he will continue to grow up to 7’ 6” or shrink to 5’5”. They are very confident that he will fall somewhere in that range 他长得蛮快的。黄蜂球探之前推测他要么继续涨到7尺6(2米28)要么就缩水到5尺5(1米65)。他们坚信三球的身高最终会在那个区间之内== [–]Spurs MeC0195 4 指標 1 天前 Whoa, that's so me! I'm also between 5'5 and 7'6. Maybe I should try becoming a basketball player! 马刺球迷:哇哦,说的不就是我嘛!我也在5尺5到7尺6之间呐。或许我也应该试试打职业! [–][LAL] Lonzo Ball P00nz0r3d 180 指標 1 天前* It’s the same thing with Lonzo The intangibles are there and they are near elite The things you can actually work on are terrible, and it’s far easier to fix athletic (EDIT: NOT physical, more in line of tendencies and habits) fundamentals and shooting habits than it is BBIQ and playmaking 湖人球迷:三球的情况和鲍尔一样。都有些接近顶级的隐性特质。倒是一些可以多加练习的能力蛮菜的,比起球商和组织意识,纠正他的基本功(编辑:不是身体,更多地指偏好和习性)和投射习惯要容易得多。 [–]Deadliftingfool 16 指標 1 天前* Laker fans will never forget the excitement of Summer League Lonzo. They also wont forget regular season Lonzo. 湖蜜永远忘不了当初那个夏季联赛看到鲍尔打球的兴奋劲儿。他们同样忘不了常规赛的鲍尔。 [–][PHI] Joel Embiid sharke93 11 指標 1 天前 Lonzo and Melo really aren’t the same player. Lonzo isn’t really the half court playmaker Melo is but he’s definitely a more explosive athlete. I don’t think Melo has the same potential defensively as Lonzo but his handle sets him apart and he can make plays in the half court. If his scoring can come along he’ll be an offensive superstar, whereas Lonzo just shot 37% from 3 on high volume but still isn’t the kind to create for teammates like that. 76人球迷:大球和三球还真不是同一个类型的。鲍尔其实不算半场阵地组织者,而三球是,但他的爆发力绝对更强。拉梅洛的防守潜力不如他哥,但他的特色在于控球,而且他可以在阵地战里支配球。要是得分能力再开窍的话,那以后进攻端就是超巨水准了。而鲍尔尽管三分出手不少命中率也有37%,但他没法像他弟一样为队友创造机会。 [–]Raptors thedutchmerchant 381 指標 1 天前 If he were in last year's draft, where would he have gone? 猛龙球迷:要是把三球放到去年那届新秀里,你们觉得他能排第几? [–]Minneapolis Lakers tattoo543216 805 指標 1 天前 5? Maybe the Cavs take Ball over Garland 湖人球迷:第五?或许骑士就拿下三球不要加兰德了。 [–]Hawks TraeYoungsBaldSpot 90 指標 1 天前 Ball definitely has a higher ceiling than Garland 老鹰球迷:鲍尔的上限绝对比加兰德高。 [–]Suns iamadragan 304 指標 1 天前 Probably 5-7. The top 3 were way better than him and the Hawks were hell-bent on getting Hunter as a 3&D 太阳球迷:拉梅洛放去年大概能排个第五到第七吧。 前三比他强太多了,天剑狂刀网页游戏私服,而且老鹰又是铁了心地要得到亨特打3D。 [–]Bucks NoTravel2 98 指標 1 天前* Is RJ Barrett way better than him? |