第三,坚持与时俱进,打造公正合理的治理模式。小智治事,大智治制。全球经济治理体系变革紧迫性越来越突出,国际社会呼声越来越高。全球治理体系只有适应国际经济格局新要求,才能为全球经济提供有力保障。Third, we should develop a model of fair and equitable governance in keeping with the trend of the times. As the Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters, while people with vision attend to governance of institutions. There is a growing call from the international community for reforming the global economic governance system, which is a pressing task for us. Only when it adapts to new dynamics in the international economic architecture can the global governance system sustain global growth. 国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会平等成员,理应平等参与决策、享受权利、履行义务。要赋予新兴市场国家和发展中国家更多代表性和发言权。2010年国际货币基金组织份额改革方案已经生效,这一势头应该保持下去。要坚持多边主义,维护多边体制权威性和有效性。要践行承诺、遵守规则,不能按照自己的意愿取舍或选择。《巴黎协定》符合全球发展大方向,成果来之不易,应该共同坚守,不能轻言放弃。这是我们对子孙后代必须担负的责任!Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are all equal members of the international community. As such, they are entitled to participate in decision-making, enjoy rights and fulfill obligations on an equal basis. Emerging markets and developing countries deserve greater representation and voice. The 2010 IMF quota reform has entered into force, and its momentum should be sustained. We should adhere to multilateralism to uphold the authority and efficacy of multilateral institutions. We should honor promises and abide by rules. One should not select or bend rules as he sees fit. The Paris Agreement is a hard-won achievement which is in keeping with the underlying trend of global development. All signatories should stick to it instead of walking away from it as this is a responsibility we must assume for future generations. 第四,坚持公平包容,打造平衡普惠的发展模式。“大道之行也,天下为公。”发展的目的是造福人民。要让发展更加平衡,让发展机会更加均等、发展成果人人共享,就要完善发展理念和模式,提升发展公平性、有效性、协同性。Fourth, we should develop a balanced, equitable and inclusive development model. As the Chinese saying goes, "A just cause should be pursued for common good." Development is ultimately for the people. To achieve more balanced development and ensure that the people have equal access to opportunities and share in the benefits of development, it is crucial to have a sound development philosophy and model and make development equitable, effective and balanced. 我们要倡导勤劳俭朴、努力奋进的社会风气,让所有人的劳动成果得到尊重。要着力解决贫困、失业、收入差距拉大等问题,照顾好弱势人群的关切,促进社会公平正义。要保护好生态环境,推动经济、社会、环境协调发展,实现人与自然、人与社会和谐。要落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程,实现全球范围平衡发展。We should foster a culture that values diligence, frugality and enterprise and respects the fruits of hard work of all. Priority should be given to addressing poverty, unemployment, the widening income gap and the concerns of the disadvantaged to promote social equity and justice. It is important to protect the environment while pursuing economic and social progress so as to achieve harmony between man and nature and between man and society. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should be implemented to realize balanced development across the world. “积力之所举,则无不胜也;众智之所为,则无不成也。”只要我们牢固树立人类命运共同体意识,携手努力、共同担当,同舟共济、共渡难关,就一定能够让世界更美好、让人民更幸福。A Chinese adage reads, "Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together." As long as we keep to the goal of building a community of shared future for mankind and work hand in hand to fulfill our responsibilities and overcome difficulties, we will be able to create a better world and deliver better lives for our peoples. 女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 经过38年改革开放,中国已经成为世界第二大经济体。道路决定命运。中国的发展,关键在于中国人民在中国共产党领导下,走出了一条适合中国国情的发展道路。China has become the world's second largest economy thanks to 38 years of reform and opening-up. A right path leads to a bright future. China has come this far because the Chinese people have, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, blazed a development path that suits China's actual conditions. 这是一条从本国国情出发确立的道路。中国立足自身国情和实践,从中华文明中汲取智慧,博采东西方各家之长,坚守但不僵化,借鉴但不照搬,在不断探索中形成了自己的发展道路。条条大路通罗马。谁都不应该把自己的发展道路定为一尊,更不应该把自己的发展道路强加于人。This is a path based on China's realities. China has in the past years succeeded in embarking on a development path that suits itself by drawing on both the wisdom of its civilization and the practices of other countries in both East and West. In exploring this path, China refuses to stay insensitive to the changing times or to blindly follow in others' footsteps. All roads lead to Rome. No country should view its own development path as the only viable one, still less should it impose its own development path on others. |