这几天,正值钱塘江大潮,“弄潮儿向涛头立。手把红旗旗不湿。”我同各位一样,期待着二十国集团勇做世界经济的弄潮儿。相信在各方一道努力下,杭州峰会一定能够取得成功!The tidal bore is sweeping up the Qiantang River these few days. As an ancient Chinese poem reads, "The tide riders surf the currents; the flags they hold up never get wet". I, like all of you, look forward to a G20 that will ride the tides in the world economy. I believe that, with various parties working together, the Hangzhou Summit will certainly achieve success. 最后,我祝这次工商峰会取得圆满成功!In conclusion, I wish the B20 Summit a full success. 谢谢大家。 Thank you. (Source: People's Daily) |